Verified Scholarship Directory

Here you will find our list of VERIFIED SCHOLARSHIPS organized into popular categories. This list is updated daily. To let our super smart algorithm match you to some amazing scholarships, please use our FREE SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH.

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  • E.H. Marth Food Protection and Food Science Scholarship
    Deadline: June 30
    Amount: $3,000
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    Sponsor: WAFP Scholarship Committee

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Wisconsin residents who are enrolled at or have been accepted into a postsecondary institution that is either located in the state of Wisconsin or that has a reciprocal enrollment agreement with Wisconsin. They must be or plan to be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate academic program that is related to food science, environmental sanitation or dairy science. Selection is based on the overall strength of the application.

    How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, official transcript and letter of recommendation are required.

    c/o Tera Montgomery
    1 University Plaza
    Platteville, WI 53818

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  • Mondelez Global Food and Agriculture Scholarship
    Deadline: As soon as possible after October 1
    Amount: Varies
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    Sponsor: Michigan State University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR)

    Eligibility: Applicants must be Food Industry Management (FIM) or Agribusiness Management majors (ABM). Students must be enrolled as freshmen. Applicants must have FAFSA on file. Preference interest in working in the Agriculture or Food Industry (Marketing, Production, Operation, Retail, Procurement, Logistics, or Sales) or residents of Michigan Thumb Region and/or interest in Wheat production.

    How to apply: Applications are available online.

    Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture
    446 W. Circle Drive, Room 102
    East Lansing, MI 48824

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